Film-Break Troubleshooting

  Normally, We observe film breaks from either TDO or PRS. and sometime it create very problem to us to identify it and attend it.

To achieve good run-ability and a rated production, it is important to identify the correct point which is causing to film break, either PRS break or TDO.

Here some points and frequently locations are given which can help you to identify and to locate the exact point of problem according to the type of film-break.

so, we discuss one by one, Firstly we will discuss about TDO breaks, Types of TDO breaks. and how to tackle them in order to resolve the problem.

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1 comment:

  1. Hole type breaks (passing the croben particular)
    Temperature breaks
    Filter chocking breaks
    Mdo nip roll vibration
    Bed reclaim feed ( water carry to dia side )
    Neutral zone film hit
    "any one have any more reason please share me "
